vineri, 29 iulie 2011
new blog
Well..hello =)...I have a new blog where put some songs ..if you want to listen go to
marți, 26 iulie 2011
Once you finally find happiness in this world, there’s ALWAYS gonna be that someone who will try to take away from you. So cherish those happy moments.
another try
It’s amazing how when you’re about to give up, hope finds way to whisper for another try.
so true
You can love someone for a day, a week, a month, or even a year. But it still takes your whole lifetime to forget them.
Sometimes you need to cry it all out, break down, and just tear apart. Learn how to pick yourself up and put yourself back together. The only way to be happy is to give into sadness first. Because without sadness, there’s no happiness; you would never learn how to smile.
2 choices
Once you lose yourself, you have two choices. Find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely and create a new one.

Emma: I’m going to voice what I think everyone in the crowd is already thinking which is that Dan, you didn’t get lucky. You were, and are, the perfect Harry. And will be forever.
Dan: Thank-you.

luni, 25 iulie 2011
Hope so
And my heart races faster and faster every time I speak to you. Omfg, I hope I don’t get a heart attack.
She’s an illustrator, a painter in fact. You see that smile on her face? Well that’s her most famous artwork.
sâmbătă, 23 iulie 2011
broken ..a little..
so...I"m a little broken..with the internet..few days ago was in my room and ..I was with my laptop on the bed and ..the laptop meets the ground :d so..I will stay without internet 6 months guess..I don"t know ..
So ..take care :).
I will still post here..but think for a while will put just songs..
With love
So ..take care :).
I will still post here..but think for a while will put just songs..
With love
marți, 19 iulie 2011
isn't strange ? but love that moment !♥
isn't strange when are in a place.. in a new place and you are alone and. .something strange is happening like..people are looking at you and you are in the middle and suddenly somebody come to you and say "hello " and you are starting to hang out .
so .. later that person will come with another person and you are meeting someone new and suddenly you find out that the last person you meet is the best person in the world.♥
thnx Deni and Alexia for being there all the time
with love
luni, 18 iulie 2011
duminică, 17 iulie 2011
sâmbătă, 16 iulie 2011
vineri, 15 iulie 2011
-Sometimes friends turn into strangers… don’t let that happen if you really love that person.
:).neeea, i will fight .
like a boomerang
My feelings for you is like a boomerang. Whenever I try to get rid of it by throwing it all away, it constantly finds away to come back.
the biggest smile
Just by replaying all the conversations we had today, gives me the biggest smile on my face.
seems like..
Seems like the only one who doesn’t see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you.
can't see..
Not all scars shows. Not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can’t always see the pain someone feels.
feel it
No matter how many quotes and song lyrics you post up, or however much you write your heart out, sometimes words just can’t describe how you feel. You just have to feel it for yourself and that’s all there is to it.
we should
I think we should never forget the mistakes that we make because they are all lessons we’ve learnt. The key is to find a balance between allowing them to teach you, and allowing them to take over your life.
you begin to wonder..
When you finally realize you didn’t matter to the person who care most about, you begin to wonder if you matter to anyone at all.
miercuri, 13 iulie 2011
then you know.
Silent fighting is the worst. At least when there’s screaming and yelling you know what the other person is feeling.
in what they are
Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks, not in what they say. Just in what they are.
marți, 12 iulie 2011
duminică, 10 iulie 2011
i will
It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.
but i will try
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by his ability to climb a tree, it will spend his whole life believing that it is stupid.
only love can do that
Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
sâmbătă, 9 iulie 2011
vineri, 8 iulie 2011
There are moments in my life I will always remember. Not because they were important, but because you were there.
joi, 7 iulie 2011
cool songs.
“Don’t you know she is my favorite girl
I want to run away for days with her
And if you promise not to say a thing
I’m gonna buy that girl a diamond ring”
and it feels like we belong together..
will come a part 2
look .
Brogan Burnside - Wasting Your Time - Remix by Tae Brooks
talented kid. look it on youtube :)
talented kid. look it on youtube :)
story without "the end"
i heard once this story :
the boy : " it was in a summer day when everything was fine know birds were singing was blue bla bla..
and i was like a ..popular guy ..i was like a king ..boss everything you know..macho man and when i had a girl i just want to break her heart felt good. so ..
in a one day i go out with my girlfriend and in that day i tell her " i love you " yeah..but my feelings wasn't strong..
so in the night i go at home and searching for another girl to break her heart. so i was like hipnotize how many girls i find on the internet i was like " omg!" .. so i meet a guy and he is a skater ..yeah i am a skater too ..and i want to buy from him a deck for skate..and few monts later i see on his status " new pictures with me from skatepark " so i click there to see the pictures. then i saw he have a girl on his page and she was really pretty .. so i was searching for girls to break some i was looking for girls when suddenly my internet falled down and i sad "damn!" and i give a shoot to my laptop and the internet come back ..and a internet page opened with a profile from a girl i looked at her pictures..first time i said "neeeeeaaa too ordinary " so i started searching again ..then next day i wake up and the first tought on my head was that girl and i said" damn! why i can't forget her ? " so i go to my laptop to search again and find that girl again i looked again and i said -she is really cute .. later that girl was asking me -what's up ?=) and i was like -wow ...i don't know why i said that but..a strange feeling was inside of me ..i guess it was that thing called "love" so for the first time i had real feelings in me .. she was so ordinary but so different ..i mean her heart was different..
so we started talking butfor the first time i was shy we start talking about little things ..
i find out that she is far away from me 500 km or 600 from me ..but my feelings were real and i don't care that..because she was far away from me i ask her if she wants to give me her phone number to talk ..and she said -yes ..(i was so happy for the first time ! )
so..i was sitting in the dark thinking about her..she had my heart at the first "hello " she have something special i don't know hot to explain that ..and i whisper her name in the dark and in that moment my phone was ringing and it was a message from her and i was like "wow.." and i answer her ..she asked me what i'm doing ..then she said that she is with a friend at her house and talking and then she said -come with us=) and i said - too far .. she said -so sad.. and i said - maybe.. and she said - NOT maybe.IT IS! =) ..i will never forget that message . in that night i fall asleep with a big smile on my face.
the next day i was all the time thinking about her ..i don't know why..strange feelings came to my heart and ..i remember when i was searching for girls just to break some hearts and now i join this game called "falling in love" how is possible?! so desire was her .. so i decided to be friends ..
next day i was sitting again in my room waiting for the night to talk with her and my phone was ringing and it was her<3! ..and we start talking .. everything was perfect ..
in a night i was sad..and i decided to stay just in my room doing nothing .. and my girlfriend was sad too because all the time when she called me and she said -how are you love? <3 i said - i'm talking with her<3. and she was like - ok .. i know that hurts but i can't stop some feelings..first feelings ..
anyway i said i was sad and i want to stay in my room and then my phone was ringing again and the girl said -what happend to you ? and i was like -wow ! where she find out that i'm not ok ? i mean how? .
(do you believe in heart conection ? )
and i started to tell her my problems and she was listening ..then she said - ow. i'm so sorry ..for the first time i can feel the pain .. and i started to cry and i don't cry so much ..but don't be sad ..YOU HAVE ME . and when she said that i stated to feel again fine ..
then few days later i was sitting in my room and chating with her and my girlfriend was a little gelous because i was sitting in my room all the time and talking with that girl ..but in that moment it was just me and that girl..i forget that i have a girl friend .. so i was chating with her all the time and for me was just her and when i go out .. i was talking about her all the time ..nobody can stop my feeling haha !
cute things happend in those days like .. i was out with my family and happend funny things and i tell her and she said - if i'm gonna be a part of your family i'm gonna smile all the time =)
or ..sometimes i go to summer school where i draw things..and my teacher "what's new in my world" so i started to tell him that i found this girl and i like her so much ...and we used to talk about this girl all the time ..
everything was perfect.. and my girlfriend was searching for me because she miss me .. and few days later i go out with her and i was thinking about me and my girlfriend but something stopped me ..that girl ..
and i my girlfriend asked me -what happend to us? and i started to talk to her and tell everything that i found another girl and i really like her and she said - you want to loooseee meee for another girl ? she is miiilleeess away from you and you want to break up ? and i said i break her heart and i go to this girl and still talking with a night that girl i find out that the girl go out in the mall and so many boys want her and i was a little gelous...ok ok ..i was SO gelous.. so i stop my internet and go to bed because i started to feel the "pain " (for the first time) ...and she text me like -why you sign out? and i told her -because... i don't know i don't feel so good - ah . ok . i want to talk to you =) ..and i said - why you don't talk with that boy who want's you ..? and she said - i don't care about him =) . and i started to feel good again ..then she said she goes to sleep and i said -night. dreams whit that boy ... and she said -with you .=) ..
i was so happy ! so so so so happy ..but i started to want her more and more and more! and want to see her i don't care the distance ! i want to see her ! so i was out with my bike and i was in the skatepark and i saw a car there and that car was from her town so i go with my bike and i was shooting his car with things (with my bike too!) so i go in her town ..but i was too shy too tell her that i'm there..damn! if i can change the time i will fix that! and i go home..sad because i didn't see her..
so the time was running it was august and was cool there too ..but it came september and ..i was a little afraid because it starts school ..and it was something new ..for us...
and yeah..we started to talk ..i mean we stopped to talk ..and i was really sad ..because i started to miss those beautiful days.. and it come her and i started to send her flowers and cute things to show her how much i like her..but i never had the courage to tell that .. and i was the first who said " happy " and she said -haha when i'm gonna tell my friends they gonna be gelous =) . i can say that i can fall in love with this girl over and over again and never forget these times.. was little times but these times meant everything to me .. so was december..when it was x.mass and i started to chat with her ..and later she said - i'm gonna go now i'm a little tired.. talk later . and i said..-ok night..sweet dreams..dreams with someone you love.. and she said - yeah ! with my boyfriend =).and i was like " huh?! " and for the first time someone broke my heart..and for the first time i started to cry ..yeah i cry for a girl and she is far away for me and i didn't see her but i was still in love with her ..i started to want her more..
then i started to sing songs ..and i remember how i used to go to guitar lessons and piano and drumbs and voice lessons just to go in her town and sing for her and something like that..i want to be different and to show her how much i love her .. so i give up because she was in love with somebody ..and i was really sad ..and i go back to my girlfriend and said "i'm sorry .." and she was still in love with me and she accepted my we start to go out again ..but i was still in love with that girl .. but anyway ..doesn't matters..
i don't know why ..but when i look to her photos or when i'm talking to tears are falling down ..i think is a part of love.. but i accepted because i really like her..
and i was in love with this girl 1 year.. and it comes summer again and my family want to make a buy a piano other piano is broken and when it was christmas my family told me they will buy a new one in summer i had to choose between a new piano orr to go to see the girl ?
so i choose ..the girl .. i was so happy to go there and see her for the first time..
in the end i was there ! and i called her and tell that i'm there ..she said to go out on friday and i said YES!
i meet her in a friday ..and we go out in a day ..friday (strangee! ) and i was really shy ...i was a little tired because it was a new atmosphere and i don't really know..just ..i was tired ..and she was running and she jumped on my hair xD..
i stay out with her and her friend ..2 was the end when i supposed to go home in my town her friend said-let's go home now.. and she said -no!!! i want to hug him. and i go home with a big smile and never forget that ..yeah it was just a hug but i don't was something..i mean ..the little things are the big things..but when the train start to move to my town ..i was really sad ..
but i'm still happy because i see her and i know now what i can do for someone ..
and the end? i think it's not "the end" here..there will never be ..we still talking but not like in the first day or weeks when we first hurts..but i still have her ..
i still have her ..and i still love her ..and if she will say someday -i love you . i'm gonna be so happy"
so ..this was a story from a boy when in the past was..the "awesome guy" and he liked to broke hearts..and now he is emotional..and are so many girls over him but he want just a one girl
so if you're waiting for someone for a long truly love her/him ..and if you really love her/him show it!
and never give up..on her/him ..maybe someday will be yours . if you show you're feelings you never know what's inside of someone ...maybe will be yours
just believeps: this story is real.
duminică, 3 iulie 2011
can't find
Some people are easy to get over; they only take a week or two. But sooner or later, you’ll find the one, the one who has changed so much of your life, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t find the words to say goodbye.
someone special
It's hard when you miss people. But you know, if you miss someone, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.
sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2011
Dreams are always crushing when they don’t come true. But it’s the simple dreams that are often the most painful because they seem so personal, so reasonable, and so attainable. You’re always close enough to touch, but never close enough to hold and it’s enough to break your heart.
i guess..
Because when you keep giving away pieces of your heart to people who would throw them aside, how much would you have left? At the end of the day, would you be left to pick up the pieces all by yourself?
i will stay
People say that walking away is the hardest thing to do, but it isn’t. Staying, even when you know it will break your heart is the toughest. Staying right where you are, waiting for your heart to be ripped apart is much harder than walking away and starting a new.
So i decided ..i will stay even will break my heart in a millon pieces
damn it
Because let’s face it- no matter how much you tell yourself you’re over someone, your heart knows the truth.
meant to be
You may not end up where you thought you’d be,
but you always end up where you’re meant to be.
what math can do
Mathematics may not teach us how to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, or to love a friend and forgive an enemy. But it gives us every reason to hope that every problem has a solution.
you've always been
I don’t really think people can change. You know, at the end of the day, you are who you are. And at the end of the day, it’s probably who you’ve always been.
i was..but now..
I was trying not to get too attached so I wouldn’t fall too hard, too fast. But I realized that I fell a long time ago and now I’m loving you with all that I’ve got.
I like to pretend that everything’s alright. Because when everybody else thinks you’re fine, sometimes you forget for a while that you’re not.
And I guess you’re proof that when you finally let go of the past, something better comes along.
i like to remember everything
I like to remember everything. As it was. Because moments by themselves aren’t enough; they’re just like photographs. They move a little, they wave, but they aren’t everything. You can look back on a moment and say ‘In that moment I was happy’ or, more often than not, ‘In that moment I was uncomfortable’ or ‘In that moment I was sad’ or ‘In that moment we were all berks’ but you can look back on everything and you think, ‘That was good.’ Because when all the moments come together, when all the songs meet up with one another, you get something whole and complete and wonderful, people you loved and people you hated and a fondness for them you may not be able to recapture but everything you remember about them being somehow more than they really were, because that’s what remembering everything does.
tell me.
Who are you if you lose your favourite person? Can you lose your favourite person without losing yourself?
i miss..
I miss talking to you, knowing that you get and understand me. Everytime I talk to someone else, it just reminds me of how much they don’t.
I am constantly stuck in this place, in between my future and my past and I’m not sure which one I want more. Most of the time, part of me just wants to throw myself into the future and the other part wants me to hurl myself into my past.
I don't know what it is about you. Maybe it’s the way nothing else matters when we’re talking, or how you make me smile more than anyone else has. Or maybe it could be the way you say the right thing at the right time. But whatever it is, I just want you to know that it means everything to me.
- I never meant to hurt you.
- That doesn't really matter, cause in the end it all hurts the same.
Don’t dwell on the past. Your history can’t be erased, but your future has yet to be written. Make the most of what’s going to happen instead of worrying about what you can’t change. Don’t waste your time being sad, because you’re wasting away moments in which you could be happy.
Sometimes, people play hard to get because they need to know if the other person’s feelings are me .
another special post.
sometimes i fell like ..someday you will be another stranger and forget everything about eatch other
sometimes i fell like... i don't show you how much you mean to me..
sometimes are days when we don't talk
sometimes i miss you
sometimes i don't text you
sometimes i'm not there to help you ..
but i hope this will show you what you really mean to me..
i know this picture is not good but i tought is different ..
hope yo like it. ily
I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but I don’t regret making any of them, because if I hadn’t made them I wouldn’t have learnt how to make things right.
i really do.
Don’t expect someone to read your mind, and don’t play games with heads or hearts. Don’t tell half truths and expect trust when the full truth comes out. Half truths are no better then lies. Don’t be cold to someone you care about, indifference hurts more then angry words.
so i have to words to say to you ..
i'm sorry.
i know ,i know..
if you want to stop loving me..can i stop you ?
I know I’m not easy to love but could you try anyway?
See,when you’re mad, you don’t miss people. So if you stay mad, it’s like you never knew them at all. That way you don’t feel sucky about them leaving you.
heart matters
-What should i do?
- Follow your heart.
- What do you think my heart says?
- I don't know... I'm not your heart.
-Well, you're most of it.
they will be
I believe that two people are connected at the heart. And it doesnt matter what you do, or who you are, or where you live; there are no boundries or barriers. If two people are destined to be together, they will be.
vineri, 1 iulie 2011
Forget your troubles, they are all in the past. And the people who hurt you- they were never meant to last.
the way they should
Sometimes, all you can do is not think. Not wonder. Not obssess. Not imagine. Just breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. Everything works out in the end. And the more you worry about it, the longer it’s going to take for things to end perfectly. Just the way they should.
sometimes we just have to learn to accept that people might stay in our hearts, even if they don’t stay in our lives.
the most difficult thing..
walking away isn’t the hardest. The most difficult thing to do, is telling yourself that you can’t look back.
like dexter without his lab,
Like spongebob without his pants,
Like shaggy without scooby-doo,
I am nothing without you.
Like spongebob without his pants,
Like shaggy without scooby-doo,
I am nothing without you.
in your life
in your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.
i remember when i heard :
waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought - totally useless and disappointing.
Only the one that hurts you, can make you feel better. Only the one who inflicts the pain, can take it away.
I think the saddest part is that we always seem to give the best of our hearts uncritically to those who hardly think about us in return.
give your heart what it deserves.
if you’re always looking for reasons not to be with somebody, you’ll always find them. But I guess at somyou’re always looking for reasons not to be with somebody, you’ll always find them. But I guess at some point, you should let go and give your heart what it deserves.
every breath hurts..
Being broken hearted is like having broken ribs. On the outside, it looks like nothing is wrong. But every breath hurts.
You should never say, “I love you,” unless you really mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.
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